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Mobilt røntgensystem til bruk på steder det er vanskelig å komme til. XMB-serien kommer i tre varianter.
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Y.XMB 100
The kV range of the Y.XMB 100 spans from 7.5-100 kV. This system is well suited for jobs in confined spaces and for low density materials, thanks to the agile high voltage cable and the compact X-ray tube.
Y.XMB 160
The kV range of the Y.XMB 160 spans from 7.5-160 kV. A wide range of X-ray tubes are available, making it an all-round system well suited for most types of inspection jobs and applications.
Y.XMB 225
The kV range of the Y.XMB 225 spans from 10-225 kV. The combination of 225 kV and up to 2.25 kW X-ray power makes this system suitable for heavy duty inspection jobs. The Y.XMB 225 also benefits from the compact X-ray tubes.
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