Automatic sample preparation for spectral or X-Ray analysis: By means of the fine surface milling machine, the sample preparation of non–ferrous samples for spectral or XRF analysis is possible.

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The HERZOG HAF/2 is suitable for all sample shapes ( e.g. mushroom shaped, cylindrical, retangular, etc.) and different dimensions up to a diameter of 70 mm. Optimal for processing of non-ferrous metals.

The HAF/2 is equipped with a automatic cross feed with fine speed control. After the completion of the milling process the cross slide is raised automatically to prevent any damage to the sample surface. The tool revolving speed may be adjusted to different materials to obtain optimum surfaces.

The machine itself is fitted with a special cutter head with 7 tungsten carbide tips or diamond tips.  For handling large numbers of samples with constant dimensions a fully automatic milling machine, model HN-F, is

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